7 Crystal Clear Reasons Eye Exams Are Important

Eye Exams

The eyes are a vital body part. Eyes are the doors that enable you to perceive, learn and perform day-to-day activities.

With the development of technology, eye exams are now more straightforward and easily accessible in the form of online eye exams. These innovative alternatives to traditional in-person appointments provide a convenient solution for any missed eye exam appointment.

Despite this newfound ease, millions of people skip their annual eye exams amid the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Here are seven eye-opening reasons why you shouldn’t take a pass on eye exams. 

How often should you schedule eye exams?

Although eye exams are vital, life can get hectic, and for one reason or another, you may find that you’ve missed an eye exam. Fortunately, it’s now possible to conduct eye exams online and order prescription eyewear through companies like 1 800 Contacts

Your age, medical history, and whether you wear prescription eyewear should determine how often you schedule eye exams. General lifestyle is another significant factor to consider. For example, we all know the harmful effects of alcohol abuse, but few of us know that it can affect our eyesight. 

If you are on prescription glasses or contact lenses, you should schedule eye exams once per year. Eyesight changes with age, and prescriptions need to be updated accordingly.

Medical history matters too. If you suffer from an illness such as diabetes, you should schedule an eye exam once a year. In most cases, your eye doctor will give you a proper schedule.

Your eye exam should be every two to three years if you are between twenty to thirty-nine years of age. And if you have a child, have an eye test six months after birth and after that, every year.

7 Reasons eye exams are important

Regular and annual comprehensive eye exams are essential for overall well-being. Here’s a clear look at why. 

To update prescriptions

If you are on prescribed eyewear, your eye doctor may decide to change your prescription. Depending on the health progress of your vision, optometrists may have you switch from eyeglasses to contact lenses or vice versa.

In some cases, it may be that your prescribed eyewear is doing you more harm than good. This scenario can occur especially where contact lenses are not well-maintained. In such situations, the prescription needs updating to avoid causing further damage. 

Early detection of glaucoma

Even if you are not under prescription eyewear, scheduled eye exams are still crucial. Your eye doctor can identify or detect early on eye diseases that you may unknowingly suffer from.

An excellent example of such a disease is glaucoma. This disease is not symptomatic and can affect you without even suspecting it. Early detection enables the prevention and management of such a disease, whether or not it’s hereditary.

Early detection of myopia

More and more children today have or are developing myopia (nearsightedness) at an early age. 

When children develop myopia at a tender age, it progresses as they get older. By the time they reach adulthood, they are at risk of developing severe eye conditions, such as cataracts and retinal detachments. 

However, if detected early, treatment can help slow down the progression of the condition. That’s why children must have an annual eye exam to monitor their health. 

Detection of other serious diseases

Apart from eye diseases, other severe conditions are detectable through the eyes. Some of these include diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and some types of cancer. Eyes are the windows to the soul, but they can also provide valuable insights into your health. 

As with eye diseases, early detection of the illnesses mentioned above can help keep the conditions from advancing or increasing damage.

Your eyesight is also your safeguard. An eye exam ensures the protection of your vision and general health in the long term. For example, clear vision and good eye health can prevent accidents when operating or driving machines. 

Correction of vision problems

Specific changes, either environmental, physical, or mental, can harm your vision. Some of these vision problems include Myopia and Hyperopia, which are a result of light refraction

A comprehensive eye exam can accurately diagnose and correct these issues.

An eye exam can also help your doctor assess the type of visual problem you are facing, advise you on what to do, and take appropriate measures against it.

Eye examinations are not vision screenings

A common misconception is that an eye examination and vision screening are the same things. However, a visual screening will not give you a comprehensive health report of your eyes. It can only identify if you have difficulty seeing and whether you require further assessment.

Additionally, vision screenings can be done by anyone, while only qualified optometrists can perform eye examinations.

Also, unlike visual screening, an eye exam checks for any sight-threatening diseases and provides accurate prescriptions for eyeglasses and eyewear. An eye exam also ensures you are free of any potentially serious eye ailments.

Childhood development and learning

Good vision and ocular health are essential for a child’s proper learning development and reading. That’s because a child learns and develops through visual contact. 

If your child has developmental setbacks in school, there could be an underlying eye issue.

Therefore, it is essential to schedule an eye exam for your child to ascertain their ocular health, especially those who learn online and might have digital eye strains.

Before you go

Vision is a huge part of what we do. Just remember, a routine eye exam typically done to update eye prescriptions is not the same as a comprehensive eye exam. You should get a comprehensive eye exam, essential for caring for your eyes, vision health, and overall health and well-being. Don’t turn a blind eye to your annual eye exam if you want good vision to stay within your sights. 

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