Tired Working From Home? Here Are Tips to Relax Your Strained Eyes From The High Screen Time.

eye strain

After COVID 19 disrupted the planet and everybody’s survival with a lockout, people have moved on to better lifestyles and have managed to survive in the Pandemic. So, in this ‘Modern Standard’, the society functions by people who spend long hours in the front of computer screens, interacting with their friends and family through a 7-inch screen, shopping, working or continuing their education.

Electronic technologies help everyone to continue living while doing their work, from professionals to students and sometimes even homemakers. With this increment in screen time becoming unavoidable, having to take care of your eyes is crucial.

Unexpected overexposure to the screen also adds to itchiness and a stinging feeling in the eyes, blurred vision, mild headache, and possibly pain in the neck, shoulders and back. This condition is known as Computer Vision Syndrome or Digital Eye Strain, which may leave you struggling with several issues, including long-term ones that you could not immediately notice.

Here are a few tips to relax your strained eyes from the high screen time.

1. Relax and close your eyes

Researchers have discovered that more than 33% of people using digital devices seldom take time to recuperate their eyes. Switching between screens hour after hour every day places a strain on the vision system. The eye muscles are overstretched and don’t get an opportunity to rest and heal. And then when people look at the phone, they fail to blink. So, you need to blink, to refresh the natural moisture of your skin.

Eye experts prescribe these guidelines while using visual devices: every 20 minutes, try looking up from the phone to about 20 feet, for around 20 seconds. It is a proven way to calm your eyes, giving them more time to blink and refresh.

2. Lessen your exposure to blue light

Eye strain is a significant issue for people who work on electronic devices for several hours a day. Popular symptoms may include headache, blurred vision, and eye irritation. Blue light from digital displays may be a factor leading to eye strain. Blue is higher energy in the spectrum of light and similar to ultraviolet light. And that is known to impair your vision. So, if you are using screens all day, enquire your eye doctor about the importance of the computer glasses that stop the blue light. Trying to reduce exposure to blue light can help you combat eye issues.

Scientists also agree that blue light can influence people’s normal sleeping patterns. Using digital devices before bedtime will disturb brain cells. It makes it harder to fall asleep. Eye physicians do not prescribe a screen time of at least two hours before going to bed. It is going to help your brain calm- so you will get more rest.

3. Track time spent on the computer

Many people aged 18 years or older probably spend 13 hours a day using digital devices. A British study suggested that participants would spend 34 years watching screens during their lifetime. Extensive screen time can harm one’s eyes and worsen eye issues. When you work from home, you can lose sight of how much time you spend on your laptop or phone. So, keep records of the times you are using the machines. That way, you are going to be mindful of the pressure you are putting on those eyes.

4. Usage of the correct monitor

Did you happen to notice that the light from your computer screen is rough on your eyes, as well? This light is distinct from the sun, or the lights in your office or home. Many computers display have LED backlights today. It works to enhance the visibility, brightness, and graphics of the screen. But LED lights emit blue light waves with a heavier weight than most other lights in the spectrum. The backlight LED flashes to change the screen brightness. The ambient light frequency is so fast that the naked eye is generally unable to detect it. But theorists think that these flashes can trigger your pupils to move quickly from large to small. These constant changes can also cause eye irritation and make you exhausted.

Take advice from a professional before buying a new computer display to use while working from home. Study alternatives and speak to a variety of experts to seek a template that suits your digital needs. Also, please ensure your display is the correct size. The viewing angle must be in contact with your eyes, about 18 to 30 inches across your face. It will alleviate the load of your eyes. Switch the brightness of the display to a higher setting using warm colour tones. Significantly raise the size of the text, too and make sure that the lights do not create a haze on the screen.

5. Make sure you have a good set up

Studies suggest that you position your device directly next to you, around the width of your arm, with the screen tilted at an angle of 10 to 20 degrees at eye level. 

Keep documents near to the screen so you should not need to reorient when switching between the two. Get a comfortable, flexible chair, and use a laptop stand to lift your laptop screen to your desk.

Whenever it comes to phones and tablets, professionals suggest keeping the gadget on your lap and your arms at 90 degrees, as though you were reading the paper.

6. Consume your reds and greens

To lessen the incidence of digital eye strain, particularly dryness and eye fatigue, take your focus safe by consuming vegetables rich in vitamins and minerals, stay well-hydrated and have plenty of sleep every night. Leafy greens, carrots, papayas, dates are a rich source of vitamin A.

7. Make sure your eyes are hydrated

Omega 3 oils generally lubricate the eyes and are present in linseed oil and certain fish such as salmon and sardines. One can take them as vitamins, too. Users could also use lubricating drops to help keep your eyes moist, particularly when you wear contact lenses. Keeping your eyes hydrated is as important as keeping your body hydrated. 

8. Try looking at the bigger picture

Raise font size while reading on-screen so that computers do not have to be too close to your eyes. It will allow you to keep a reasonable distance, and also prevent squinting your eyes when reading long papers. Ensuring safe distance from the screen will be favourable for your eyes which also lessens headaches caused by strained eyes. 

9. Try some skincare

To relieve dark circles, under-eye puffiness or itching, use a soothing moisturizer or aloe vera gel to calm your strained eyes. You can even use slices of cucumber or a cold, wet towel to soothe the eyes. Another great way to promote blood circulation near your eyes would be by using a jade roller to massage your under-eye muscles.

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