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How To Get To Argus In World Of Warcraft - Here's How You Can Do It

Looking to unlock Argus in World of Warcraft? Follow this detailed guide to start your journey, complete key quests, and claim epic rewards.

How To Get To Argus In World Of Warcraft - Here's How You Can Do It

Dec 16, 2024

Argus, once the utopian homeworld of the Eredar, has become a shattered land corrupted by the Burning Legion in the World of Warcraft's Legion expansion. This world offers players intense endgame content, rare mounts, and powerful rewards.

Getting to Argus is essential for completing the Legionfall campaign and unlocking key features, including the Lightforged Draenei and Void Elf allied races. While the journey to Argus may seem complicated, this guide will walk you through every step to ensure you can access and return to this significant location.

What Is Argus In World Of Warcraft?

Argus is the ancestral homeof the Eredar, a race that later became divided into the Draenei and the Man'ari under the influence of the Burning Legion. It’s a central location in WoW's Legion expansion, allowing players to battle the Legion's forces and engage in some of the most crucial moments in the game's storyline. If you're looking for a break from WoW, there are several alternative games to playthat can still provide engaging and immersive experiences.

Why Argus Is Important

  • Endgame content: Argus offers high-level quests, gear, and lore that are integral to the Legion expansion.
  • Mounts and pets: Rare mounts such as the Shackled Ur'zul and pets are available for players who explore Argus.
  • Allied Races: Unlock the Lightforged Draenei and Void Elves by completing campaigns on Argus.

Requirements To Access Argus

Before you can set foot on Argus, there are several requirements to meet:

  • Level requirement: Your character must be at least level 45 to start the questline, though being level 50 or higher is recommended for smoother gameplay.
  • Legion expansion: Argus is a part of the Legion expansion, so ensure you have access to this content.
  • Broken Shore questline: You need to complete the Broken Shore introduction quests to unlock the Legionfall campaign.
  • Legionfall Campaign: You must progress through the campaign up to the quest “The Hand of Fate” to access Argus.

Step-by-Step Guide - How To Get To Argus

Step 1: Reach Level 45 And Travel To Dalaran

Before heading to Argus, your character must be level 45. You can level up by completing quests in any expansion, but once you reach level 45, it's time to head to Dalaran. There are multiple ways to get there:

  • Portal from Valdrakken in Dragonflight or from your faction’s capital city.
  • Fly from Azsuna if you’re near the Broken Isles.
  • Start the Legion expansion questline in your capital city, and you’ll be directed to Dalaran.

After you arrive, you'll receive a Dalaran Hearthstone, making it easier to return in the future. For those seeking something different from WoW's typical leveling, check out these underrated gamesthat offer equally rewarding challenges.

Step 2: Speak To Khadgar And Begin The Questline

Visit Archmage Khadgar in the Violet Citadel located in Dalaran. He will give you the quest "Uniting the Isles," which requires you to reach a friendly reputationwith the five main Legion factions:

  • Court of Farondis(Azsuna)
  • Highmountain Tribe(Highmountain)
  • Nightfallen(Suramar)
  • Dreamweavers(Val'sharah)
  • Valarjar(Stormheim)

Once you’ve completed Uniting the Isles, return to Khadgar, and he will guide you to the next set of quests in the Broken Shore.

Step 3: Complete The Broken Shore Quests

After uniting the isles, you’ll need to complete the Broken Shore introduction quests:

  • Armies of Legionfall: Available from Khadgar at Krasus' Landing in Dalaran. This quest will take you to the Broken Shore to establish a foothold for the Legionfall forces.
  • Assault on Broken Shore: A follow-up to Armies of Legionfall that pushes your character further into the conflict with the Burning Legion.

Step 4: Begin The "Hand Of Fate" Questline

Once the Broken Shore quests are complete, return to Khadgar at the Violet Citadel. He will offer you the quest “The Hand of Fate”, which will take you directly to Argus. Upon completing this questline, Argus will be fully unlocked for your character.

  • Board the Vindicaar, a spaceship led by Prophet Velen, and travel to Argus.
  • Speak to Grand Artificer Romuul to disembark, and you’ll find yourself on Krokuun, one of the three main zones on Argus.

Step 5: Unlock The Lightforged Beacon

While progressing through the Argus campaign, you’ll unlock Lightforged Beacons, which serve as fast travel points between Argus and Dalaran. These beacons make returning to Argus much easier after completing the initial questline.

Argus is divided into three zones, each offering unique challenges and rewards:

  • Krokuun: The first area you’ll explore, filled with Legion forces and key questlines.
  • Mac'Aree: A corrupted but once beautiful zone, offering hidden treasures and dangerous enemies.
  • Antoran Wastes: The heart of the Legion’s power, where you’ll face tougher enemies and more significant rewards.

The Vindicaar acts as your base of operations while on Argus, allowing you to teleport between zones using Lightforged Beacons. Exploring vast landscapes like Argus can inspire players to look into amazing gaming environmentsfeatured in other titles, each with its intricate worlds to discover.

Important Rewards And Reputation Grinding On Argus

Argus offers a variety of valuable rewards for completing its content:

  • Artifact Power: Progress your Legion artifact weapon by completing world quests and defeating bosses.
  • Mounts: Argus is home to rare mounts like the Shackled Ur'zul and Antoran Gloomhound.
  • Pets: Collect unique pets that can be found across the zones of Argus.
  • Allied Races: Unlock the Void Elf and Lightforged Draenei by completing the Argus storyline.

To unlock Void Elves, you’ll need to reach exalted reputation with the Argussian Reach, which requires completing world quests, emissary quests, and weekly missions. You can boost your reputation by using items like the Demon’s Soulstone (grants 1,000 reputation points) or participating in events such as the World Quest Bonus Event. For players interested in more than just the in-game experience, there are real-world destinations for gamersthat offer unique attractions and experiences inspired by their favorite games.

Returning To Argus

Once you’ve completed the Hand of Fate questline and progressed far enough into the Argus campaign, you can return to Argus at any time using the Lightforged Beacon.

  • For Horde players, speak to Lady Liadrin at Orgrimmar’s docks.
  • For Alliance players, speak to Vereesa Windrunner at Stormwind harbor.

Both will allow you to board a ship to Vault of Lights and reunite with Prophet Velen, who will guide you back to the Vindicaar.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

If you encounter any issues while trying to access Argus, here are some common problems and solutions:

  • Quest not appearing: Ensure you have completed all relevant Legion expansion quests, including the Broken Shore and Legionfall Campaign.
  • Phasing problems: Sometimes NPCs or quest items won’t appear due to phasing issues. Re-logging or clearing old Legion quests can help.
  • Can’t return to Argus: Use the Lightforged Beacon at Krasus' Landing in Dalaran to teleport back to Argus.


How Do I Unlock The Lightforged Draenei Allied Race?

To unlock the Lightforged Draenei, complete the Argus campaign and earn the You Are Now Prepared! achievement. Afterward, visit the Stormwind Embassy to begin the questline.

How Can I Gain Reputation With The Argussian Reach?

Reputation with the Argussian Reach can be earned by completing world quests, emissary quests, and weekly missions on Argus. Additionally, using items like Demon’s Soulstone and completing invasion points can help boost your reputation.

What’s The Quickest Way To Return To Argus?

Once you’ve unlocked Lightforged Beacons, you can return to Argus by using the Lightforged Beacon at Krasus’ Landing in Dalaran. Alternatively, speak to Vereesa Windrunner (Alliance) or Lady Liadrin (Horde) at your faction’s docks to sail to Argus.

Do I Need To Complete "Uniting The Isles" To Access Argus?

No, in the Dragonflight era, Uniting the Isles is no longer required to access Argus. Simply complete the Hand of Fate questline to begin your journey.

What Rewards Can I Get From Completing The Argus Campaign?

The Argus campaign offers many rewards, including rare mounts, pets, gear, and the chance to unlock allied races such as the Void Elf and Lightforged Draenei.

Final Thoughts

Argus stands as one of the most significant and rewarding locations in World of Warcraft, offering players a unique blend of intense battles, rich lore, and valuable rewards. Unlocking this world not only immerses you in the epic fight against the Burning Legion, but it also opens up opportunities for rare mounts, pets, and powerful allied races. With the steps outlined above, you’re well-prepared to embark on your journey to Argus, fully equipped to conquer its challenges and reap the rewards it holds.

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