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Marie Adler: The Unbelievable True Story

Marie Adler's harrowing journey and the Netflix series 'Unbelievable' bring to light the importance of believing sexual assault survivors. Read about her story and its societal impact.

Marie Adler: The Unbelievable True Story

Jun 10, 2024

Marie Adler is a name that resonates with many due to her harrowing and ultimately inspiring story. Her experience, depicted in the Netflix series "Unbelievable," has brought to light significant issues within the criminal justice system, particularly around the treatment of sexual assault survivors. This article delves into Marie Adler's story, the impact of "Unbelievable," and the broader implications for society.

The Incident

Marie Adler, a teenager from Lynwood, Washington, reported being raped in 2008. Despite her detailed account, the police were skeptical. Under intense pressure and doubt from law enforcement, her foster parents, and friends, Marie recanted her statement. This led to her being charged with false reporting, facing fines, and immense emotional trauma.

The Unraveling Truth

Marie’s story might have ended there, with her as a discredited and traumatized young woman. However, in 2011, two detectives from Colorado, Stacy Galbraith and Edna Hendershot, linked a series of similar rapes across multiple states. Their meticulous investigation eventually led to the capture of the serial rapist, Marc O'Leary. During the investigation, they discovered that Marie Adler had been one of his first victims.

The Impact Of "Unbelievable"

The Netflix series "Unbelievable," based on Marie Adler's story, is a powerful dramatization that brings awareness to the challenges faced by sexual assault survivors. The show highlights the failures of the system, the importance of believing victims, and the need for thorough investigative work. Its impact has been significant in several ways:

  • Awareness:The show has raised awareness about the mishandling of sexual assault cases.
  • Empathy:It fosters empathy towards survivors, emphasizing the importance of support and belief.
  • Policy Change:There's been increased discussion around policy changes to better support sexual assault survivors.

The Real-Life Marie Adler

After her ordeal, Marie Adler’s life was far from easy. She struggled with trust issues and emotional trauma. However, she showed remarkable resilience. Marie eventually received a settlement from the city of Lynwood for the mishandling of her case. This settlement was a small acknowledgment of the wrongs she had endured.

Broader Implications

Marie Adler's story is not an isolated case. It sheds light on systemic issues within the criminal justice system:

  • Victim Blaming:The tendency to doubt and blame victims of sexual assault.
  • Investigative Flaws:The lack of thorough and empathetic investigative procedures.
  • Support Systems:The need for better support systems for survivors.

Lessons Learned

Marie Adler’s story teaches us several important lessons:

  • Believe Survivors:The immediate reaction should be to believe and support survivors of sexual assault.
  • Thorough Investigation:Law enforcement needs to approach such cases with thoroughness and empathy.
  • Systemic Change:There’s a need for systemic changes to prevent such failures in the future.

The Role Of Media

Media plays a crucial role in shaping public perception. "Unbelievable" is an example of how powerful storytelling can bring about social change. The series has:

  • Educated Audiences:By presenting a true story, it educates viewers on the realities of sexual assault and the failures of the justice system.
  • Inspired Change:It has inspired viewers to advocate for change in their communities.
  • Humanized Survivors:By focusing on Marie’s personal story, it humanizes the experience of survivors, fostering greater empathy.

Advocacy And Support

Marie Adler’s story has also led to increased advocacy for sexual assault survivors. Organizations and support groups have used her story to highlight the importance of:

  • Survivor Support:Providing emotional and psychological support to survivors.
  • Legal Advocacy:Ensuring that survivors have access to legal support and resources.
  • Public Awareness:Raising public awareness to reduce stigma and promote understanding.


Marie Adler's story is a stark reminder of the challenges faced by sexual assault survivors and the systemic failures that can exacerbate their trauma. The Netflix series "Unbelievable" has brought her story to a wider audience, fostering greater awareness, empathy, and calls for change. By learning from Marie’s experience, society can work towards a more supportive and just system for all survivors of sexual assault.

Marie Adler’s resilience and courage in the face of adversity are inspiring. Her story underscores the importance of believing survivors, thorough investigative work, and systemic change to support and protect those who have experienced sexual assault.


Who Is Marie Adler?

Marie Adler is a sexual assault survivor whose story was depicted in the Netflix series "Unbelievable." She was wrongfully disbelieved and charged with false reporting after reporting her rape in 2008.

What Is "Unbelievable"?

"Unbelievable" is a Netflix series that dramatizes the true story of Marie Adler and the detectives who eventually uncovered the truth about her assault.

What Lessons Can Be Learned From Marie Adler's Story?

Key lessons include the importance of believing survivors, the need for thorough and empathetic investigations, and the necessity of systemic changes to prevent such failures in the future.

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