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7 Apps That Help Students Write Academic Papers

There are numerous apps that will do different things from editing your grammar mistakes and embarrassing typos to keeping those pesky distractions away so that you finally do that paper you were supposed to start writing yesterday.

7 Apps That Help Students Write Academic Papers

Oct 25, 2024

Writing academic papers is a normal part of school assignments. However, thanks to technology, writing them has never been easier. There are numerous apps that will do different things from editing your grammar mistakes and embarrassing typos to keeping those pesky distractions away so that you finally do that paper you were supposed to start writing yesterday.

There are so many apps to choose from that you may be overwhelmed by their sheer volume. Do not worry. Here is a list of seven apps to start you off to bring you closer to that A.


You may have heard a comment from your teacher that you have a general idea of the topic, but your grammatical errors and typos make your papers hard to follow. If so, Grammarlyhas got you covered. Simply write your paper as you would. Once done, run your work through Grammarly.

You can either use the browser extension or the Microsoft word plugin. It will do more than fix your grammar and spellings. It will analyze your sentence structure, analyze your tone, check your work for plagiarism, and more. Get it today, and watch your presentation improve immensely.


If you write many essays, you understand how tedious making a reference list can be. This is especially true if your sources are hardcover books. The makers of EasyBibunderstand this, and they have a way to help. Simply scan the book’s barcode, and the app will do the rest. It will generate a list of references that you can later email to yourself or your teacher. Copy it into your final document, and it’s ready for grading.


If your schoolwork involves reading many books then coming up with papers on different aspects of the books like the characters and the themes, you should seriously consider using CliffNotes. In the app, you will find pertinent information regarding different books.

You will find the summary, the themes, the plot, and character analysis. If you used paperwritingservice.comto get the paper done, simply compare the finished essay to the information on CliffNotes for credibility, make any necessary edits, and you are good to go.


This app is great if you find yourself easily distracted when you are on the internet. Say goodbye to procrastination when you start using Freedom. How will it do this? You have several options. If you don’t need the internet at all, you can block all websites for a particular amount of time then get to work.

If you need particular websites, add them to a whitelist, and it will block all the rest. If you have specific apps you would like to block, you can do that too. So no more getting lost in Reddit black holes for you. Get to work!

Most Dangerous Writing App

Sometimes, you may have all the information to write that paper, but your inner critic keeps stopping you. This writing apphas a solution. Decide how much you want to write for. Now, start writing. This app will not let you take breaks that are too long when you are writing. In fact, if you take too long without writing, you stand a chance to lose all your progress. It’s time to tell that inner critic to sit back and start writing.


Have you heard of the Pomodoro technique? It works like this. You set a timer, for example, for 25 minutes. In this time, you will do nothing but work solely on your paper. Once done, you are due for a break. If you did a 25-minute session, you are due for a 5-minute break. After your break, repeat.

This appis great if you find yourself overwhelmed by how much you have to do for a particular paper. You don’t have to commit to doing that paper in its entirety. Simply commit to one Pomodoro, then take a break. Rise and repeat until the paper is done.

Google Docs

Google Docs is a word processing app, just like Microsoft Word, but there is one key difference. You write while connected to the web, and your work is automatically saved to the cloud as you write it. This means that if you get corrections while away from your computer, simply login to your Google Drive from wherever you are and fix those mistakes.

You never have to fear sudden power outages or losing all your work to a computer virus. If you have the Grammarly extension on your browser, you can work on your document and edit it at a go.

These apps just scratch the surface of what technology can do to make your writing better. For example, you can get millions of books online on websites like Scribdand brainstorm your ideas with apps like MindMup. With a little time management and the necessary research, writing can be a breeze for you. Pick an app, try it out, and see how much easier writing can be with the right help.

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