Consider Hypoallergenic Cats if You Are Allergic to Cats but Wish to Have Them

Hypoallergenic Cats

Although owning a hypoallergenic cat does not mean you will never face allergies, it will considerably reduce the chances of getting affected severely. So, how can you keep a cat or wish to have one even though you are allergic to them?

Reasons behind cat allergies

Cat allergies are caused by a glycoprotein called Fel D1, which is generated by the sebaceous glands beneath the cat skin and in the saliva. A cat is continually shedding tiny bits of dander into the surroundings, and when they are combed, saliva is transferred to the coat, which is subsequently shed throughout the house, causing allergies in people who are allergic.

Allergy sufferers have sensitive immune systems. Their systems misinterpret innocuous substances, such as cat dander like hazardous intruders and attack them as viruses would. The consequences of your body’s attack on the allergen or cause are allergy symptoms.

What happens if you’re allergic to a cat?

If you’ve determined that cats are causing your swollen, itchy eyes and coughing, it doesn’t imply you can’t approach another one. This does, nonetheless, imply that if you do bring a cat into your house, it must be a hypoallergenic cat.

Cats that are low allergen or “hypoallergenic” create fewer allergens than “normal” cats. It’s important to note that the keyword here is “considerably smaller” since no cat is entirely hypoallergenic. Hypoallergenic cats generate less of the protein Fel D1, which reduces the likelihood of a response. Female hypoallergenic kittens with light coats create the least number of allergens.

Hypoallergenic cat breeds include:


The Balinese cat, sometimes known as the “longhaired Siamese,” appears to be an unexpected option for a hypoallergenic cat species. It is, however, one of the few breeds that produce less Fel D1 protein than other cats, resulting in fewer allergic responses in allergy patients.


Javanese cats are loyal, clever, and well-known for their ability to communicate. They are fascinated by food and burn off additional calories via energetic activities. A cat of this breed will respond well to training and enjoy showing affection to its owner by purring in their ears and following them around.

Cornish Rex

Cornish Rexes are energetic, active, curious felines with a gazelle-like appearance. The Cornish Rex sees everything as a game, and they’re difficult to ignore when they’re in a friendly mood most of the time. O

Oriental Shorthair

The Oriental’s personality is as different as their fur. They love to be the centre of attraction and are full of energy. One minute you’re conceited, the next you’re lively and interested. They have a strong desire to participate in your activities and will go to considerable lengths to do so.

Devon Rex

Devons’ enormous ears, large, mischievous eyes, and ethereal look have often been compared to elves. They are famous to snuggle up with their owners at night and greeting them with licks and purrs of love in the morning. Devons shed less than other cat breeds, so you can cuddle up without worrying about being covered in fur.


The Siberian has a somewhat lengthy coat, similar to the Balinese, but is nonetheless a hypoallergenic cat due to lower-than-average enzymes and proteins in their saliva. According to estimates, 75% of cat allergy patients exhibit no sensitivity to the Siberian.


Without any hair, the Sphynx is the cat breed that is most commonly associated with hypoallergenic cat breeds. However, just because they don’t have hair doesn’t imply that they’re carefree. Baths will be required on a regular basis to remove the sticky build-up of oils on your Sphynx’s skin, as well as cleanings of their enormous ears.

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