Lifestyle Habits That can Affect Your Memory Power at a Young Age

Lifestyle habits

You may have noticed that as you age, you tend to forget things more than usual; you may think that you are forgetful of daily, miscellaneous things, or sometimes, even the important ones. It is a serious red flag for our generation. It might be worrisome for you, as you are just entering or have entered your adulthood. We are accustomed to seeing our parents and elders always remembering details and numbers. So, what could be wrong with our generation?

Today’s digital world is playing a huge role in this scenario. We are so used to tracking everything on our phones, that we have these devices to help us remind of everything. The daily lifestyle that you have been following for a while could take a toll on your brain. These little mistakes can eventually build up and cause serious issues.

We have gathered some reasons that we think might be the reason for your low memory retention power.

1. Not having a good night sleep

A significant factor in memory loss is not having enough sleep. Those who do not get quality sleep for seven to nine hours a night are at higher risk for cognitive impairment; for optimum memory function, you should strive for quality sleep every night. Our body restores and regenerates during sleep. When this is not permitted to happen, there will be degeneration. Daily sleeping habits will also make you less forgetful, including going to bed at the same time each night and waking at the same time each morning.

2. Worrying and stressing 

It’s easier said than done to avoid overthinking or stressing. Studies have shown that chronic worry can hamper your brain. Cortisol levels in the brain rise during extended periods of daily stress, causing our brain cells to lose synapses and makes it harder to build and restore memories; stress and anxiety, left unchecked, may lead to memory loss and forgetfulness. But when life feels daunting, if you concentrate on recharging your battery, chances are your memory will be restored – for your overall health and well-being, how you handle these feelings is crucial. Detach from work once in a while and invest time in conscious thinking. 

3. Not taking your vitamins regularly

Some vitamin deficiencies may have a detrimental impact on your memory which includes vitamins B and D and iron. Several studies have shown that, particularly in older people, consuming fish and fish oil supplements can improve memory. For a balanced lifestyle, having enough vitamin B12 is also important.

Typically sourced from eggs, milk, and fish, these vital little helpers to regulate functions, including building up red blood cells, nerves, and DNA. It can cause a whole range of health problems, including memory loss if you have a B12 deficiency. Low-fat dairy products, meat and poultry, eggs and fish are good sources of vitamin B12. 

4. Listening to loud music

Most of us are guilty of doing this. Some studies have shown a correlation between exposure to loud music, hearing loss, and subsequent issues with memory. When you put too much time into listening, you exhaust your cognitive energy, and it has a damaging effect on your thought and memory, ultimately leading to dementia. Studies have also indicated that dementia is twice as prevalent among people with minor hearing loss. So, start listening to your music at a more appropriate volume to prevent it from happening. 

5. Smoking and drinking

If you need another excuse to stop smoking, it could be memory loss. Smoking impairs the function of the lungs and heart, which in turn decreases the transport of oxygen to the brain, and less oxygen in the brain implies less brain function. Drinking too much alcohol will, even after the effects of alcohol have worn off, interfere with short-term memory.

Alcohol has neurotoxic effects, including memory performance reduction, on the brain; there is no problem with occasional moderate drinking, but binge drinking can weaken your hippocampus, a main memory-related region of your brain. Therefore, smoking and drinking is an unhealthy lifestyle choice, especially if your memory is weak or is weakening. 

6. Low to no mental and physical exercises

If this isn’t your thing, you don’t necessarily have to prepare for a marathon, but doing exercise is necessary, lest your memory starts to deteriorate. It is good for the lungs, and evidence suggests that individuals with the proper functionality of the lungs appear to have sharper memory and function of the brain. The risk of diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and stroke-diseases that can lead to memory loss is also decreased by regular exercise.

Many studies have shown that exercise can increase neuroprotective protein secretion and boost neuron growth and development, leading to improved brain health. Grab a bicycle, go for a stroll, or try yoga. In particular, aerobic exercise sets off the release of growth hormones, allowing the brain to function more efficiently.

7. Unhealthy diet 

Even though cookies and cakes have lip-smacking flavours, they can have serious health consequences. A diet composed mainly of sugar and refined food causes brain inflammation, which can lead to short-term cognitive impairment. The greatest perpetrator is transfat, frosting, frozen pizza, refrigerated dough, and coffee creamer- lead the list of the most harmful items.

For your overall health, as well as for your brain, a healthy diet rich in complex carbohydrates (whole grains, beans, fruit, and vegetables) and omega-3 fatty acids (salmon, mackerel, canola and walnuts) is vital. Avoid trans and saturated fats, which can congest your arteries and raise your levels of LDL (bad cholesterol). 

 8.Side effects of some diseases or medications 

Science has shown that a lack of thyroid hormones (also known as hypothyroidism) can lead to memory loss and general fogginess in the brain. Too many thyroid-stimulating hormones impact your focussing abilities. Patients note a drastic change in the way their brain functions after seeking treatment for a thyroid disorder. By causing confusion or drowsiness, several prescription and over-the-counter medicines, or combinations of medications, can impact your memory. It can make it extremely hard for you to grasp new knowledge quickly. Antidepressants, anti-anxiety drugs, muscle relaxants, sleeping pills and pain medications are common medications that impact the memory and brain function, so try to avoid them as much as possible. 

9. Avoiding mental health

In this day and age, we often forget to take care of our mental well-being. The world of social media and peer pressure can drain your energies in ways that wouldn’t notice. It can eventually affect your ability to focus, remember information, be organised and make choices. There are two places in your brain where you develop new brain cells, one of which is the memory-related hippocampus. It turns out that in cases of anxiety and depression, this growth minimizes.

Seeking therapeutic assistance for depression and recovery may have a positive effect on many aspects of your life, including your memory. In people of all ages, from individuals in their 20s to the elderly-meditation and relaxation strategies help to enhance short-term memory. 

10. Midnight snacking

Eating a bowl of ice cream or other crunchy snacks can be enticing right before you go to bed. Unfortunately for us all, science suggests that we really should stop snacking late at night. All individuals have circadian rhythms that match our internal biology to the 24-hour environment. These rhythms include the time we go to sleep, the time we wake up, and the time we eat; it throws off the whole process when you snack late at night and disrupts the hippocampus, which is the part of the brain that controls memory.

Memory retention deficiencies are one of the constant things we see in people who have disruptions in their circadian rhythms.

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