What Reduces Collagen Synthesis?

Collagen Synthesis

Do you have wrinkles and fine lines on your face? How about under-eye circles? Did you know your skin starts to thin at the age of 27? To prevent this outer layer thinning, many people have turned to remedies to add moisture and elasticity back to their skin. Collagen is the main ingredient that is used in most skin care products to aid with anti-aging but do you know where it comes from and, more importantly, what it is?

What is Collagen?

Collagen is one of the most vital proteins in our body. It’s responsible for keeping our skin youthful and elastic, as well as for maintaining strong bones, joints, and muscles. Our body naturally produces collagen, but it begins to decline in quantity after the age of 25. The decrease continues to accelerate as we age until wrinkles and fine lines begin to appear.

Why does the body need collagen?

Collagen keeps the skin supple and elastic and is the substance that gives our skin its firmness. When collagen production is disrupted, it can lead to sagging skin, wrinkles, and a tired appearance. Collagen also provides strength to blood vessels and keeps hair healthy by reducing breakage.

Why do women need collagen?

Women often experience a more significant decline in collagen production than men do because of hormonal changes that occur during menopause and other factors. What does this mean for women? You may notice some of these changes in your skin:

• Sagging or loss of elasticity

• Aged appearance

• Fine lines and wrinkles

How to determine the lack of collagen?

Hair loss

The lack of collagen is one of the reasons for hair loss. If you notice that your hair falls out and you can see the scalp through the thinning hair, this may indicate a lack of collagen. However, there can be many other reasons for hair loss, so a visit to the doctor is recommended.

Sagging and dry skin

Collagen is responsible for keeping skin supple and elastic. When its levels decrease, the skin begins to sag, droop and become dry. If you notice deep wrinkles on your face, as well as sagging cheeks or jowls, these are signs that your body needs an additional collagen supply.

The appearance of deep wrinkles

The first signs of collagen deficiency are fine lines around the eyes and mouth. With time, these lines deepen and become wrinkles. When you smile or laugh, you notice that your skin does not return to its original position as before.

Also, if you put your face between two mirrors, you will see through the reflected image that your facial features are falling; hence your cheeks do not have the same shape. Lack of collagen causes sagging of facial muscles and leads to thinning of the lips.

Fast fatigability

Collagen deficiency can lead to fast fatigability. In this case, you start to feel tired much faster than usual.

Muscle pain

Fast fatigability is often associated with muscle pain and cramps. This is because collagen helps muscles work efficiently and effectively by providing structural support to the muscles and tendons. It also acts as a kind of ‘glue’ that holds the muscles together. Collagen deficiency can cause these tendons to become weak, leading to joint pain and muscle cramps.

Brittle nails

Collagen is found in nails and hair as well, which makes them flexible, shiny, and strong. If you have brittle nails or hair, it might be an indication of collagen deficiency.

What reduces collagen synthesis?

The following factors inhibit collagen synthesis:


Malnutrition high in sugar and low in protein produces an environment that reduces collagen synthesis. Sugar increases the production of certain enzymes called matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). These enzymes are involved in breaking down tissues, especially collagen. When collagen is destroyed faster than it can be built up, the skin becomes loose and wrinkled, and the joints become stiff, painful, or even arthritic.

Alcohol, drug use, and smoking

Smoking cigarettes damages collagen production and also reduces the amount of vitamin C available to your body. Vitamin C is necessary to create new collagen as well as maintain existing collagen. In addition, smoking reduces the amount of oxygen available to your cells. As a result, you may notice that wrinkles around your eyes and mouth appear earlier than expected when you are a smoker.

Alcohol dehydrates your body, which can lead to dryness in your skin and make it more difficult for new collagen to form. Moderate alcohol consumption is less likely to affect collagen production, but drinking several alcoholic beverages per day can result in premature aging from loss of volume and elasticity in your skin.

Lack of Sleep

Sleep deprivation causes the release of cortisol, which breaks down collagen. Inadequate sleep also increases inflammation in the body, causing damage to collagen.

HGH Deficiency

Growth hormone, like every hormone in the body, is of critical importance to the human body and its proper functioning. Reducing its level can cause many health problems and disrupt the normal course of life. One of the most important functions of HGH is to help regulate cell growth and regeneration – this makes it necessary for bones, muscles, and organs like the skin via collagen to renew themselves.

Unfortunately, the level of Growth hormone production in the body decreases with age. And if you want to maintain a youthful appearance, appearance, and vitality, it is necessary to replenish it. Fortunately, there are now modern methods of treatment. An endocrinologist can determine your diagnosis and prescribe an HGH for men therapy or HGH women therapy which will suit you.

Unfavorable ecological situation

An unfavorable ecological situation such as ultraviolet (UV) radiation can cause damage to the skin and promote collagen degradation, which results in the photoaging of the skin.

Permanent stress

The stress hormone cortisol inhibits the production of collagen in your body. This means that if someone is under permanent stress, the person will notice an increased formation of wrinkles and signs of aging.

Inactive lifestyle

The food we eat is converted into energy by our body cells. The more active we are, the more energy we require to perform daily activities. If we lead a sedentary lifestyle or take insufficient rest, then less energy will be consumed by our bodies which can result in reduced collagen synthesis or production of this molecule within our body cells.

Is there any harm from collagen?

Collagen supplements are not dangerous for most people. However, if you have an allergy to fish or shellfish, you should avoid them as they are derived from these sources.

Can collagen be used without a doctor’s prescription?

If you’re interested in taking collagen to improve your joints or skin, talk to your doctor first. If you’re thinking of using collagen supplements, keep the following concerns in mind:

•           Allergic reactions. There are individuals who are allergic to collagen supplements. This is especially true if you are allergic to eggs, poultry, or seafood.

•           Digestive problems. There has been some concern that hydrolyzed collagen can cause digestive symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea.

What foods contain collagen?

Some foods contain collagen itself, while others contain nutrients that help the body produce more collagen. Some of these foods include:

•           Egg whites

•           Citrus fruits

•           Berries

•           Red and yellow vegetables, such as carrots, bell peppers, and tomatoes

•           Garlic

•           White tea

Prevention collagen loss

Prevention of collagen loss can be done through a number of methods. For example, avoiding long periods in the sun, not smoking, and maintaining an optimal weight will all help to reduce the speed of collagen breakdown. Also, the use of moisturizers and creams that are designed to protect skin from the sun and that contain antioxidants could help.

To sum up, collagen is a key building material in our skin; it’s the most important protein found there. When collagen is present in larger quantities, skin looks firmer and fresher. The lower the concentration of this protein in the skin, the more wrinkles we see.

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