Want to be healthy? Sing Loudly!

All of us love music and there is probably nobody who doesn’t hum a tune once in a while. Though some of us are blessed with a melodious voice and knowledge of notes while some others might sound like a horse, we all still give it a shot. But if anybody ever askes you to stop singing, don’t listen to them. Singing is good for your health!
Just like people feel nice when they dance or listen to music, singing also affects us physically. Singing releases Endorphins and Oxytocin- the body’s ‘feel good’ hormones, reduces the stress hormone Cortisol and makes us feel better. Singing requires concentration and you will notice that you don’t think of anything else when you are singing. It is almost like meditation; helping you focus on one thing at a time.

A research done at the University of Frankfurt showed that proteins in our immune system that work as antibodies (Immunoglobulin A), were present in large quantities in people who had been singing for an hour long session. Singing can help boost immunity.

Singing also requires us to breathe well and this pumps good quantities of oxygen into the bloodstream, making us feel light and active. This helps improve concentration, mental alertness and even memory. In fact, the Alzheimer’s Society in UK has a ‘Singing for the Brain’ service for patients suffering from Dementia or Alzheimer’s. Breathing is key for meditating or calming yourself and this happens automatically when you sing; giving your lungs a good workout as well.
You will realize you can never sing properly while lying down or slouching. Standing or sitting straight with shoulders and neck upright is required for singing. This helps improve your posture.
Some experts believe singing strengthens the throat and palate muscles, providing relief to people who suffer from sleep apnea or snoring. Thus, singing can actually improve sleep as well.

If you remember having sung loudly with friends and family at parties or picnics, you may have realized that singing creates a sense of group identity and helps social bonding. Singing with karaoke or in front of an audience definitely improves confidence, helping you get over stage fright or shyness. Singing can also get you new friends and serve as a great group activity.

A consultant in neuro-developmental education and director of the Institute for Neuro-Physiological Psychology, Chester, Sally Goddard Blythe, in her book The Genius of Natural Childhood, claims that singing to babies helps create a base for language acquisition for them. “Song is a special type of speech. Lullabies, songs and rhymes of every culture carry the ‘signature’ melodies and inflections of a mother tongue, preparing a child’s ear, voice and brain for language.”
So you see? From babies to senior citizens, singing is beneficial for everyone. This is an activity that needs no special equipment, no specially allotted rooms, no specific time, and no preparation.
So if you want to stay healthy, Sing loudly!

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Saurabh Mangar June 13, 2018 at 10:15 am

useful information.. I am not good singer but i will try it

Sailee Brahme June 13, 2018 at 10:41 am


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