Tea Tree Oil For Face: 5 Cool Ways It Helps

Tea Tree Oil For Face

Are you like me, suffering from a gentle hounding of tea tree oil for face products (face mask, face wash, serum, etc) everywhere you go for beauty and skincare? At first, I had zero clue as to what it is and why it’s recommended. “And that’s okay — you’re not alone”, I said to myself before I got familiarized with this potent antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agent. 

Backed by science, tea tree oil has been highly debated for its medicinal and anti-fungal benefits, improving skin conditions and expediting the healing process. While the scent is a bit strong for some people, it is fully toxic to pets and children so you need to take this into consideration for your skin routine. 

Not only do you need to keep your tea tree oil far away and higher above, but you also need to dilute it with a carrier oil before using it. To avoid skin irritation, refrain from applying 100 percent tea tree oil directly to your skin and be sure to dilute it with your usual moisturizer or  Aloe Vera gel, or a neutral carrier oil such as rosehip, coconut or argan oil.

While it’s very beneficial, some people might have a sensitivity to tea tree oil. If so, common side effects include allergies and skin irritation, such as redness, itching, and sometimes inflammation, so be sure to do a patch test on a small part of your body. To check if you’re allergic you can apply a tiny amount under your jawline or your inner arm, before applying elsewhere. 

There are some amazing benefits if you’re up for it, so let’s start with why you should pick up tea tree oil for your face:

5 Benefits of Using Tea Tree Oil For Face

Say No To Skin Infections 

Tea tree oil can prevent various kinds of skin infections. The anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties of tea tree oil make it a useful remedy for treating skin conditions like athlete’s foot and ringworm. It also relieves the skin from some side-effects brought on by these conditions such as itchy skin and dryness. Simply mix a couple of drops of tea tree oil in a moisturizer and apply.

Oils Only In My Salad Dressings Please

Tea tree oil helps combat oily skin. Those who suffer from excessively oily skin should definitely give tea tree oil a try. We say so because the antiseptic properties of this oil can help combat oily skin. All you need to do is to add a few drops of tea tree oil in a sunscreen lotion or moisturizer and apply gently over the skin for some weeks to see results.

Meet My Ex, Her Name Is Dry

Tea tree oil soothes dry skin and eczema. Studies have shown that using tea tree oil can help soothe dry skin by relieving itching and getting rid of skin irritation and inflammation.
Notably, the anti-inflammatory properties of the oil act as a defense mechanism against skin dryness and therefore prove to be effective in treating eczema as compared to other conventional ointments and creams.

Acne? Not On My Watch!

Tea tree oil can help get rid of acne. Tea tree oil is a great choice to naturally treat acne, thanks to its amazing anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties. It can also help get rid of swelling, redness and inflammation on the skin.

Using tea tree oil also prevents scarring around the area of acne’s origin, thus giving you a clearer and smoother skin. Studies have shown that tea tree oil reduced inflamed as well as non-inflamed lesions associated with acne. Tea tree oil’s natural antibacterial properties make it a great spot treatment for closely targeting your acne spots. 

To apply as spot treatment: 

  • mix a drop of tea tree oil with 12 drops of a carrier oil such as coconut, rosehip or argan oil, 
  • use a cotton ball to dab the mixture onto pimples,
  • a little goes a long way (even five percent tea tree oil can do the trick),
  • let the solution to stay on your skin for a few hours or you can leave it overnight then rinse your face with warm water,
  • treatment can be repeated on a daily basis and should help stop breakouts.

To apply as a mask treatment: 

  • mix a few drops of tea tree oil with yogurt, honey and clay powder which is safe for the face.
  • leave the mask on for about 20 minutes and rinse with warm water. 

So, start using face wash/moisturizers containing tea tree oil or add to your bath, or your face scrubs. 

Heal The World and My Face Too

Tea tree oil may help in healing wounds and lightens scars. Tea tree oil can help boost the process of wound healing, owing to its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities.
Scientific studies suggest that tea tree oil proves effective in healing wounds caused by bacteria. Tea tree oil is derived from an indigenous plant to Australia and the oil has historically and traditionally been used to treat wounds and other skin ailments. For this reason, it’s often found in over-the-counter (OTC) cosmetics and other beauty products and even for scar treatments.

What’s more, studies found out that people who used tea tree oil along with a conventional ointment experienced lesser healing time as compared to fellow participants.

Although tea tree oil has been established as a remedy for active acne breakouts, it’s unclear whether it can effectively treat acne scars. Unlike most pimples, acne scars form deep within the skin. These marks can darken with age and sun exposure. Tea tree essential oil could be able to combat these effects, but there’s no guarantee.

One study found 5 percent tea tree oil gel to be effective in treating mild to moderate cases of acne in 2007. Even though there is an abundance of studies on acne and other skin concerns, research on tea tree oil in acne scar treatment is STILL lacking.

Another  2015 study concluded with clear benefits in acne treatment, but the results for scarring were inconclusive. Generally speaking, tea tree oil is said to minimize the appearance of raised (hypertrophic) scars, but almost all acne scars develop below the surface of the skin.

Even if it won’t provide a lot of lightning, using tea tree oil to help manage active acne breakouts is indirectly going to reduce the severity and risk of scarring.

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