Marijuana Facts and Myths Worth Knowing

Marijuana Facts and Myths Worth Knowing

Marijuana is commonly used in the United States and other countries. Over 70 million Americans have tried it, and over 20 million have smoked it once. It seems evident that people’s decisions about marijuana should be based on scientific evidence, actual facts, or common wisdom. Unfortunately, the situation is often the opposite due to misinformation.

People find marijuana myths in different sources, such as television shows or government reports. False data may deter someone from trying this weed. Whatever your end purpose is when you are choosing among various farmerslabseeds com marijuana seeds online, you must be confident about your knowledge of this plant. If you have any controversial thoughts or are unsure about statements connected with marijuana, its usage, effects, etc., continue exploring this article.


When it comes to marijuana, one can hardly remember any exciting point about it, but anyone truly knows all the popular myths. Before we proceed to the most common myth’s demolition, go through these unusual but simple weed facts. Then you will be more confident about your thoughts and statements while discussing this plant.

  • Marijuana comes as the most demanded and widespread substance-relaxant after alcohol.
  • The first documented case of its use dates back in history to the third millennium BC. Thus, this crop is one of humankind’s oldest.
  • Hemp was the first thing to be sold and bought online in 1971. Of course, that purchace was illegal then.
  • Marijuana has 120 active cannabinoids, including the well-known THC and CBD ones.
  • It is widely used in construction, clothing fields, and plastic manufacturing as an eco-friendly material.

Busting Myths

Below, the most frequently circulated information about the discussed weed is listed. Mentioned points may appeal to be the truth when they are actually or partially not.

Myth 1. No Therapeutic or Medicinal Value

With the growing acceptance of medical marijuana usage, it is essential to unpack the commonly held belief that it is of any value as a treatment at all. The myth make it sound like there is no reason to use marijuana as a cure, as safer and more effective analogs exist. But if referring to the FDA, marijuana or marijuana-derived products are approved in some disease symptoms treatments. Among them are:

  • vomiting or nausea connected with chemotherapy;
  • rare childhood epilepsy types;
  • anorexia related to HIV or AIDS.

Hence, hemp has been proven scientifically to relieve some symptoms caused by chemotherapy while curing cancer effectively. Also, it stimulates appetite in AIDS patients.

Myth 2. Leading to Dependence

Most people believe that marijuana is highly addictive. Consequently, someone definitely becomes dependent on it and often needs specialized treatment.

Marijuana does not cause total dependence. The truth is that most people take marijuana only occasionally. Most people who frequently use marijuana quit smoking alone without much difficulty. If these people experience withdrawal symptoms, they are relatively mild.

The facts speak for themselves: less than 1% of Americans smoke it daily or almost daily. Research claims that about 9% of marijuana users become dependent eventually, compared to 15% of cocaine or 24% of heroin users.

Myth 3. Brain Cells Killing

How often do you hear the statement that hemp negatively affects your brain? Wherever or whoever you may discover this information from, it needs detailed consideration.

Hemp can cause a temporary but reversible loss of short-term memory, problems with thinking, and less productivity. On the other side, according to Leaf Science studies, this substance may also help the body develop new brain cells. This quality can be beneficial for:

  • stroke victims;
  • people who sustained head trauma;
  • anybody dealt with brain injuries;
  • brain protection against Alzheimer’s disease development;
  • preventing multiple sclerosis progression.

Wrapping all of this up, one can state that there are not only adverse effects but also crucial treatment qualities that are of greater importance.

Myth 4. Laziness

You read that heading right. Marijuana use can lead to reduced efficiency for a short time, just as it can help you relax or reduce unwanted anxiety. That is how the myth that smoking marijuana causes laziness arose. But there is no direct evidence that this plant’s usage affects motivation and hinders achieving goals in the long term.

Scientists from the University of Colorado held significant research on sports activities and hemp use connection. It states that 77% of people claim this substance helps them recover from training, and 70% of weed users enjoy exercising more than non-users. Also, more than half of the people who took part felt more motivated to go to the gym in general.

Keeping fit is a difficult task, but it is a life goal for many people. If marijuana helps gain this aim, isn’t that fact the debunking of the laziness myth?

So What the Takeway?

A lot of outdated and false information about marijuana is being spread by various sources and media. The article has broken down the most persistent false facts about it and given proof instead. All the information above should help you get rid of myths about the famous weed.

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