How Much Do You Pay for Medical Cannabis?

The plant-based medicine, such as medical marijuana, has caught pace with people in Australia. They take it for different conditions, such as sleeping issues, anxiety, chronic pain, arthritis, irritable bowel syndrome, etc. The good thing is medical cannabis costs less than what you find in black markets or elsewhere. There is a misconception that one can take marijuana only if The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has approved its use for a specific disorder. The experts say that anyone can take cannabis medicine if traditional medication fails to improve their symptoms or leads to side effects. To be precise, it cannot be your first treatment method, but please don’t make it the last resort too.

Have you tried a conventional treatment and noticed no improvement? You can consult a doctor and get medical cannabis from a trusted place like harvest | Medical Cannabis Healthcare Centre | Sydney. Before this, let’s explore a few aspects related to the cost of medical cannabis.

The cost of medical marijuana

One of the studies shows that about 100k patients use cannabis medication in the country. The prices have also come down, although consumption has increased. Patients feel happy that their prescriptions can be more affordable now. Online availability and assistance with this medicine are other significant advantages. While consultation cost is there, you must also recognize the product’s price. Your expense will depend on the number of times you take medicine and its prescribed quantity. Since everyone has a unique physiology, the doses for every patient vary. Still, daily medical cannabis costs can be anywhere from $5-10. The monthly price can be in the range of $250-300.

The difference between the products and brands

Australian patients can access 400 types of medical cannabis. Every brand and product comes at a unique price point due to factors like quality, processing method, etc. The cost can go up or down based on what a product contains – flower, strain, THC level, etc. Then, full-spectrum and isolate options also cost different. Even the form of medicine you use will determine its cost, such as a cream, spray, oil, flower, etc. Generally, CBD and THC oils are more affordable.

The reason behind the expense of the medicine

The price has decreased; still, it can feel higher for many people interested in cannabis care. After all, a monthly bill of $250-300 is not a joke. But patients must accept this reality until the industry evolves and matures more. The treatment is relatively new. Once the legal marijuana cultivators and manufacturers achieve scale, the prices will drop. The reports suggest that 80% of cannabis comes from outside the country. The positive news is this situation is changing faster. One more cause of high prices is stricter regulations around medical cannabis. It’s a good thing. Close monitoring allows only the best products to enter the market, benefiting patients. However, it affects the pricing.

If you want to try medical marijuana for health, consult a proper doctor and understand what your body needs. Follow the instructions provided by your healthcare expert. Remember, safe medicine use will improve your health, and overdosing can complicate things.

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