"Quinoa : Supergrain for future"

Quinoa nowdays is commonly referred as a superfood or supergrain for future …why?? because its a whole grain with a low glycaemic index, healthy fats (Omega-3’s and Omega-9’s), and a host of phytonutrients, including flavonoids that act as powerful antioxidants with anti-inflammatory properties. It happens to be gluten free, so even those with gluten sensitivities can enjoy it. Quinoa is the seed of the chenopodium plant and is related to  spinach and beets. Although there are over 120 species, only three main quinoa varieties are cultivated –gold,red and black. Gold is the most common and boasts a firm texture and subtle, nutty flavor and is easily prepared.  Red is slightly bitter and crunchier than gold and black is sweeter and crunchier than red. Quinoa is incredibly versatile, whether you serve it for breakfast, lunch or dinner, and it can easily become a staple in your home.

Quinoa has been considered as a beneficial grain for the poultry animals as well as the poultry industry. Quinoa has been listed as an important grain for the life support system by NASA. How quinoa is useful or beneficial for animals?? so quinoa is a wonderful source of protein and vitamin for the poultry animals when used in the form of silage for the animals whereas the seeds and as well as the leaves has proved to be of a great help in getting rid of skin diseases and breathing problems. The total cost of quinoa in Indian as well as in the international market ranges from 150 rs to 1500 rs. Quinoa consists of 60-74% carbohydrate, 12.5-16.7% protein, 874-1487 mg calcium, 260-5050 mg  magnesium, 14-168 mg iron, 28-48 mg zinc, 1400-5300 mg phosphorus and is also rich in  potassium, vitamin C , vitamin E, vitamin B1, B2 and B6. 
Benefits of Quinoa:

1. Quinoa is one of the most protein-rich foods we can eat:It is a complete protein containing all nine essential amino acids.

2. Quinoa is high in Riboflavin (B2): It improves energy metabolism within brain and muscle cells and is known to help create proper energy production in cells.
3. Quinoa is rich in magnesium: Magnesium helps to relax blood vessels and thereby to alleviate migraines. Magnesium also may reduce Type 2 diabetes by promoting healthy blood sugar control. Other health benefits of magnesium include transmission of nerve impulses, body temperature regulation, detoxification, energy production, and the formation of healthy bones and teeth.
4. Quinoa contains Iron: Iron helps keep our red blood cells healthy and is the basis of hemoglobin formation. Iron carries oxygen from one cell to another and supplies oxygen to our muscles to aid in their contraction. Iron also increases brain function because the brain takes in about 20% of our blood oxygen. There are many benefits of iron some more of which include neurotransmitter synthesis, regulation of body temperature, aids enzyme activity and energy metabolism.
5. Quinoa contains almost twice as much fiber as most other grains:Fiber is most widely known to relieve constipation. It also helps to prevent heart disease by reducing high blood pressure and diabetes. Fiber lowers cholesterol and glucose levels, may lower your risk of developing hemorrhoids and may help you to lose weight as it takes a longer time to chew than does other foods because it makes you feel fuller for longer and is less “energy dense” which means it has fewer calories for the same volume of food.
6. Quinoa contains lysine: It  is mainly essential for tissue growth and repair.

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